A dream made true.

We had the vision to create a taxon-rich functional platform to understand the origin of animals. That vision is now true. We introduce 4 “scientific gems” that are now experimentally tractable and that will provide significant biological insights in the future. Feel free to use them for your own research!


Creolimax fragrantissima (Ichthyosporea).

The first animal relative in which transfection was developed. Currently trying to develop CRISPR/Cas9.


Transfection 2

Culture method


Capsaspora owczarzaki (Filasterea).

Capsaspora was a hidden gem that is becoming a more and more known. Its genome encodes several genes previously thought to be animal. It is easy to grow. It develops into multicellular aggregates. Its genome is compact and well-annotated. We have developed a transfection protocol and we are currently trying to develop a CRISPR/Cas9 protocol.


Culture method


Abeoforma whisleri (Ichthyosporea).

We developed a transfection protocol and we are currently trying to get a better genome assembly.


Culture method

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Corallochytrium limacisporum (Corallochytrea).

Our latest addition with a robust protocol for stable transfection. Currently trying to develop CRISPR/Cas9.


Culture method