We had the vision to create a taxon-rich functional platform to understand the origin of animals. That vision is now true. We introduce 6 “scientific gems” that are now experimentally tractable and that will provide significant biological insights in the future. Feel free to use them for your own research!
A dream made true.
Creolimax fragrantissima (Ichthyosporea)
The first animal relative in which transfection and gene silencing methods were established. We got a chromosome-level genome too. Originally isolated by the great Wyth Marshall. Ideal organisms to study the formation of coenocytes, cytoskeleton dynamics and cell division.
Capsaspora owczarzaki (Filasterea)
Capsaspora was a hidden gem that is becoming a more and more known. Originally isolated by Lynn A Hertel. Capsaspora develops into multicellular aggregates, so ideal to address the potential role of aggregation in animal origins.
We got its genome, life-specific RNAseq, proteomics, and phosphoproteomics. We established a transfection protocol that was key to establish genome editing by other labs. We are currently establishing mathematical models of its aggregation dynamics.

Abeoforma whisleri (Ichthyosporea)
Ideal organism to address the origin of animal cell types. Originally isolated by Wyth Marshall. We got its genome, established a transfection protocol, as well as some cell biology techniques. We are currently trying to get a better genome assembly and improve the efficiency of transfection.
Corallochytrium limacisporum (Corallochytrea)
Key phylogenetic position and the only living culture of the Corallochytrea clade. Originally isolated by Stuart Donachie. We got its genome, a established culture, stable transfection and we are currently trying to develop CRISPR/Cas9.

Sphaeroforma arctica (Ichthyosporea)
The organism we have dedicated more efforts up to date. Originally isolated by Bjarne Landfald's lab. Ideal organisms to understand cellularization of the coenocyte. We got its genome, different RNAseq data, characterized the coenocytic cell division cycle, and established some cell biology techniques.
Chromosphaera perkinsii (Ichthyosporea)
The only available culture among Dermocystida. Originally isolated by Stuart Donachie. One of our favourite organisms: we were involved in the original description, got its genome, established the culture and some basic cell biology techniques. Ideal organism to characterize palintomy, cell division and coenocyte development.