
As citizens we like to participate in society from different ambits and therefore also, from our professional expertise. Outreach activities for kids and teenagers are important for discovering science and what is to like to be a scientist. Broad audience activities where current projects are disseminated in a lay language, are a path to return part of what society invests in public funds in research laboratories and also the opportunity to open a door for scientists and general public to communicate and know each other better. We are strong supporters of scientific outreach activities and we often collaborate with different outreach platforms and entities.

Outreach actions

Reaching out for women in science

Scientists are also women and men that do not live isolated from society, and are therefore subjected to the unconscious bias that our cultural and historical heritage has seeded in our behaviours. Being aware of our prejudice and wear the gender glasses to unveil the unfair attitudes that we have inherited, is basic to change society in general and science society in particular. This task is not easy and being informed and questioned is key for advancing, for this reason you will find here links to studies, initiatives and events to tackle this disequilibrium.



Peer mentoring is a space of peer relationship in which trust is crucial. Its goal is to help others improve their professional performance by considering who they are and helping them to get the best out of themselves to make the best decisions, take perspective in the face of results, evaluations, expectations, and so on. Peer mentoring groups have been shown to help their members increase their self-esteem and empathy, improve their conflict resolution skills, and their ability to communicate and connect with work.

Mentoring links